League Info:
Beat Saber World Cup added
Dane Saber Championship #3 added
Blaston VRML dates updated
Elven Table Tennis Season 3 Added
Tournaments Info:
VR Chat - Pool Tournament (5/28) by VRCon
Population One - Anarchy Prophets (5/29) by ARC
Cards and Tankards - Monday MixUp (5/30) by developer
Core Disruption - Community Tournament (6/3) by developer
Population One - AWP Cup (6/5) by ARC
Nock - Knock Nock Tournament (6/14) by VR League Italia
Walkabout Mini Golf - Green Tea Party (6/16) by VR League Italia
Recurring Events
Rezzil Player (Monthly) Tournaments
Omniverse (Monthly) Competition
Gods of Gravity (Biweekly) Tournaments