A new location-based VR game called Hoops Madness (FURY) has joined the monthly events to the tune of $1,000, bringing recurring events up to over $14,000 every month. VAIL continues to have the qualifiers for their major $35,000 LAN, while Blaston announced a new league totaling $10,000 in prizes. ARC announced their Season 5 prize pool at over $4,500 and there are also around 10 smaller new events with prizes totaling just shy of $750. Active giveaways and notable dates have been added to the bottom of the listings.
Beat Saber League Prize ended at $6232
Wardust (TBD) - Wardust League Season 1 [8/1 - 8/21]
VAIL ($0) - IVRL Qualifier Week 2 [8/13 - 8/14]
Blaston ($10000) - Blaston Championship 2022 [August - October]
Echo Arena ($200) - VR League Italia Season 1 [Sept - Oct]
Echo Arena (TBD) - VRPL Echo Pre Season [TBD]
Golf+ (TBD) - US VR Open [TBD]
Population One ($4500) - ARC Leagues Season 5 [TBD]
Vertical Shift (1800 Mints) - 2v2 Freeze Tag Tournament [8/13]
VAIL VR (TBD) - Spirit Gaming Artifact Event [8/13]
Bocce Time ($0) - Weekly Tournament #4 [8/13 - 8/19]
Vertical Shift ($405) - Shock Wave Tournament [8/27]
Blaston ($100) - Summer Blast by VR League Italia [8/29]
Echo Arena (TBD) - Echo North 2022 LAN by Annexed Fate [10/23 - 10/24]
Recurring Events
Rezzil Player ($5000) - August Monthly Pentathlon
Rezzil Player ($300) - August Monthly Challenges
Omniverse ($5100) - August Monthly Competition
Omniverse (4 x $700) - August Weekly Competitions
Hoops Madness ($1000) - August FURY Tournament
Virtual Fighting Championship (4 x $30) - August Weekly Title Fights
OhShape (~$60) - Monthly Community Competition
Notable Dates
Echo North 2022 LAN [10/22 - 10/23] < Toronto, Canada >
Virtual Athletics League LAN [11/3 - 11/5] < Salt Lake City, UT, USA >
VAIL VR LAN [10/1] < Miami FL, USA >